Recommended Books
This is a sampling of some of the media available for sale at the Health Education Center. This is not a guarantee that all of these titles will be available and in stock.To order or get information on available titles please call (727) 466-6789.
Treating Cancer with Insulin Potentiation Therapy– $32.05
By Ross A. Hauser M.D. and Marion A. Hauser M.S. R.D.
Detox or Die – $22.95
by Sherry Rogers M.D
The 20 Day Rejuvenation Diet Program
by Jeffrey Bland, PhD
A Definitive Guide to Cancer The Breast Cancer Prevention Program
By Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. & David Steinman
The Andropause Mystery Unraveling truths about the Male Menopause
by Robert S. Tan, M.D.
Beyond Amalgam
by Susan Stockton
Beyond Antibiotics
by Michael Schmidt
Body for Life
by Bill Phillips
Bypassing Bypass Surgery
by Elmer Cranton, M.D.
Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet
by Drs. Rachel & Richard Heller
Digestive Wellness
by Elizabeth Lipski
Questioning Chemotherapy
by Ralph W. Moss, PH.D
Root Canal Cover-Up
by George E. Meining
Prescription for Nutritional Healing
by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC & James F. Balch, M.D.
Pro Vita Plan
by Jack Tips
Prolo Your Pain Away! Curing Chronic Pain with Prolotherapy
by Ross A. Hauser, M.D.
No More Ritalin
by Mary Ann Block
Safe Shoppers Bible Book
by Samuel Epstein, MD
Uniformed Consent the Hidden Dangers of Dental Care
by Hal Huggins, D.D.S.,M.S. & Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D.
Wellness Against All Odds
by Sherry A. Rogers, M.D.
Your Body’s Many Cries for Water
by Dr. BatmAnghelidji
DMSO Natures Healer
by Dr. Morton Walker
Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care, A Complete Program For Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management
by Dr. Bernard Jensen
Grow Young with HGH
by Ronald Katz
The Breast Cancer Prevention Program
By Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. & David Steinman
Healing Childhood Ear Infections
by Michael Schmidt
Hypo-thyroidisim the Unsuspected Illness
by Broda O. Barnes, M.D. & Lawrence Galton
In Fitness & In Health
by P. Maffetone
Is Heart Surgery Necessary
by Julian Whitaker, M.D.
The Anti-Aging Zone
by Barry Sears, Ph.D.
It’s All In Your Head
by Hal Huggins
Leaky Gut Syndrome
by Elizabeth Lipski, MS, CCN
Pain, Pain go Away
by W. Faber & M. Walker
The Parasite Menace
by Skye Weintraub, N.D.